Year 1 Remote Learning: Spring 1 Week 2

Dear Year One Parents/Carers,

We hope your first week of home learning went well. Thank you for all of your continued support and work you have done with your children. We have enjoyed speaking to most of you via phone calls and over email. If you receive a call from an unknown number or the Caller ID is withheld, it is most likely a member of our lovely Year One team. We are phoning you all periodically during the school closure to check in with you, see how you are getting on with home learning but to also be a listening ear during such difficult circumstances. With school closure being extended until February, it is so important that we maintain our positive relationships with you all.

The Week 2 Remote Plan is similar to the previous week (including English, Maths and Phonics). The plan that is sent home to parents/carers is exactly the same as we are following in school with the key worker children. We are using the same hyperlinks and the same resources as everyone providing home-schooling. We continue to understand the stress parents are put under, so again we are making it clear that we do not expect your child to complete everything set out on the home learning plan or stick to the typical school day schedule. Your child will have been sent some Google Meet links for various interventions starting from next week so please check your child’s email so you know when these will be happening. We hope to do these sessions at the same time every week as well to make it easier to stick to some sort of scheduled remote meetings.

All teachers are continuing to teach in their Key Worker bubbles, so there may be some delays with responses. The office is currently manned by Mrs Castell who is also working very hard to manage the school so please bear with us at this challenging time.

Keep up the fantastic work, we are all so proud of our parents/carers.

We are still truly missing you all and cannot wait to see you all safely when we can.

If you need any support please do not hesitate to email us at or

Please stay safe and look after yourselves.

Warm Regards,

Miss Wilson, Miss Wright, Mrs Standen and the lovely Year One team.

Year 1 Remote Learning Plan, week commencing 11th January 2021

Week 2 Remote Plan

Additional Resources

A video of Miss Wright reading “The Last Wolf” has been emailed to all children.

Tuesday Book Cover – Title Hidden

Tuesday Book Cover – Title Revealed

Tuesday Maths

Wednesday Maths

Thursday Maths

Friday Maths