Contact us

We always welcome contact from parents. For enquiries, appointments and to arrange a visit, please call or email the school office and ask for our Office Manager, Mrs. Pluck.

Writtle Infant School
Lodge Road

T: 01245 420963
School Office Email:
SENCO Email:
Twitter: @writtleinfant

We use ParentMail to communicate with parents, which enables you to receive letters and messages from school, order school dinners, complete questionnaires and book parents evening appointments. We can also use ParentMail to send texts to your mobile phone in an emergency. It is essential that you register your email address and mobile phone number with ParentMail. You will be given a unique password, please keep it safe and use it to inform them (as well as us) if your e-mail address or mobile phone number changes. If you do not have internet access or a mobile phone, please speak to the school office.

Key contacts

Executive Headteacher: Mr. Nick Taylor
Head of School: Mrs. Tracey Wilson
SENCO: Mrs. Caroline Standen
Joint Chairs of Governors: Mr. Matthew Coffey and Mrs. Esther Burton
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr. Nick Taylor
Deputy Safeguarding Leads: Mrs. Tracey Wilson, Mrs. Caroline Standen
Safeguarding Governor: Mrs. Esther Burton
Click here for a full list of our staff

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