Please find our year 2 plan for next week (11.01.21) and resources linked to some of the lessons.
Over the next few weeks our English is all from a book called Grey Island, Red Boat.
Mon: Front cover of Grey Island, Red Boat
Tues: Blurb from book 1 & 2 , Waterproof exp (x3 differentiated sheets)
Weds: Pages 1 and 3 from Ch 1, Mondrian template for art
Thurs: Ch 1, Compass direction sheet
Useful information:
Our plan: This plan is very detailed to help you at home. We hope that the information helps you and isn’t too much! The plan we are sending home is the same plan that we are doing in school and would still be following if we weren’t all in lockdown.
PE extras: feel free to have a go at any of the homeschool PE activities that are on the school website.
Weekly record of work: We will send home a simple table for you to fill out each week. This will give us a running record to see what subject areas are being completed. It’s a helpful guide for us, for full school return, and not us checking up on you!
Homeschool books: Last term, we sent home a Yellow maths book and a Red english book with your child. Please use these for recording/ sticking in their work. Please don’t feel that you have to print off everything we send! These can be brought back into school for us to see once we can have all the children back in class.
Marking work: When you can, could you please mark your child’s work and indicate clearly if they have worked Independently (I) or with Support (S); or both; again this is for us and will be very helpful for us to track their learning.
Please remember to check your child’s gmail account for any Goggle meet sessions; these have been timetabled on the plan. We are aware that this week’s English is quite wordy with instructions and does require quite a bit of adult supervision. We will try to address this in future plans if we can.
Thank you, as ever, for your help, co-operation and support you are giving us and your child/children. It is greatly appreciated. We will continue to review and revise what we are doing to make things easier as and when we can.
Stay safe. We look forward to seeing your children on Google and eventually back in class!
Take care.
Mrs Scott-Simons, Mrs Wilson, Miss Smith, Miss Williams and the rest of the fabulous year 2 team!