Message from Mrs. Castell
Dear Parents,
We're grateful for much warmer weather this week! The children have been sensational and it is a joy to walk down the corridor and hear their happy voices. I can see lots of nice hair cuts as well!

Dolphins have enjoyed another Forest School lesson this week - thank you so much to the children who helped plant the beautiful tulips in the trough in our playground! Please take a look at our gallery for photos. Sharks had a visit from the Forest School gnomes too this week! Dolphins Forest School lessons will continue until 18th May, followed by 3 weeks of additional sessions for Sharks and then, from 22nd June, Foundation Stage for the final 4 weeks of term.
As you know, the family of Captain Sir Tom Moore are encouraging everyone to do 100 of something in honour of what would have been his 101st birthday next Friday. The classes have made some exciting plans! Year One are going to run 100 laps of the playground per class, as well as trying to throw 100 beanbags/balls into a hoop and decorating biscuits with 100 decorations! Year Two are attempting 100 star-jumps, running 100 laps around the playground and (a suggestion from the children, not the teachers) trying 100 spellings! Foundation Stage are going to do an 100 metre obstacle course! If you are able to donate on the day, we would suggest £2 towards The Captain Tom Foundation. I can also give you advance notice that WISPA are organising a sponsored Mini Marathon for the children on Friday 14th May, further details to follow.
Thank you to all parents who have supported us in wearing face masks on site this year. This will continue for the foreseeable future. Please maintain social distancing at all times, keeping your children with you to ensure bubbles are separate. I've also seen lots of scooters and bikes being ridden in the playground, one almost knocking over a small child. Please do not allow your children to ride these on our premises, they must be stored in the racks by the school gate.
Finally, the Children's Commissioner launched the largest ever survey of children and young people this week, called The Big Ask. Children and their parents and carers are invited to complete a 5 minute survey which asks what is most important to them as the country recovers post-Covid. We would encourage you all to support your child to complete the questionnaire at home as well as answering the survey yourselves.
Enjoy the sunshine this weekend.
Helen Castell
- To contact the school during the day, please email us at Please remember that your child's teacher cannot check the class email accounts while they are teaching.
- Please try to bring everything your child needs at the start of the school day. The office staff cannot go into class, so staff have to leave their classroom to collect forgotten items.
- Please have a look at home and return any school library books. Many thanks.
- Please remember that children must not attend school within 48 hours of any sickness or diarrhoea.
Well done to the following children who have been awarded Shooting Stars for setting a great example to others this week.
Sharks: Grace for working so hard on her writing in English! Iris for amazing work in tennis and for being super helpful!
Dolphins: Ruby for fabulous fraction work and Finn for great reading and beautiful handwriting!
Turtles: Coen for super sitting and trying really hard with his concentration! Dillin for some fantastic maths adding equal groups! Humphrey for trying so hard writing his sentence ‘She snored like an old fish’ with little support!
Parrots: Myla for settling into school so well and being a phonics superstar! Ted for using his imagination in a lovely piece of creative writing!
Foxes: Leo for his wonderfully creative ideas during his play! Brody for his lovely handwriting and always trying his very best!
Squirrels: Hettie for super handwriting and trying her best! Harrison for being a kind friend and for wonderful manners!
Year 2 News
This week we've had fun finding out about pirates, creating fact files and making "wanted" posters! We have also explored quarters and thirds in our fractions lessons. Summer is almost here, so in PE we've been learning new skills so that we can play tennis and cricket.
Please click here for this week's Year 2 Home Learning.
Our email addresses are and
Year 1 News
We've had a great week! The children have started working in smaller phonics groups, which have been so beneficial - they also really enjoyed meeting some new children! In English, we learned all about verbs and similes. In Maths, we learned what an array is and created our own arrays using counters and drawing dots. We have also learned about seasides and compared what the seaside looks like now and in the past.
Please click here for this week's Year 1 Home Learning.
Our email addresses are and
It’s been all about frogs this week! We have been lucky enough to have our own tadpoles in school and we will watch them grow throughout this half term. In Maths we were looking at numbers 11 to 20 and digging deeper into how they relate to one and other. We all tried really hard with our Super Sentences this week, writing them at our own level. Today is St George’s Day and we loved learning the story about St. George and the Dragon! Have a look on Tapestry for our challenge for this week. Please don’t forget to bring in sun hats into school and apply sun cream each day as we spend a lot of the day outside. Enjoy your weekend!
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