Message from Mrs. Castell
Dear Parents
I cannot believe it is nearly May and I am still scraping my car windscreen some mornings! We are having such a lovely day today with our activities for the Captain Tom 100 Challenge and we watched the special Captain Tom assembly in class today. Thank you for your kind donations to The Captain Tom Foundation. I am proud to say my son and I completed 100km on our spin bike in return for a family donation! There are some lovely pictures on our website to enjoy. The children's activities for Captain Tom 100 also meant that they took part in England Does The Daily Mile today.
WISPA have sent home details of the forthcoming Mini Marathon which will be held on Friday 14th May. Every child will attempt 26 laps of the playground, equivalent to 1 mile, which means that every class will have run a full marathon between them! Please encourage sponsorship from family and friends. Thank you very much to Miss Grant, who has arranged the donation of a bottle of water for each child at the event.
A reminder that I love to share details of children’s achievements out of school, so if you email, I can share them in our Friday celebration assemblies. Hopefully with activities opening up outside of school there will be lots of achievements to share!

Please remember that you still need to isolate your household and arrange a PCR test if you or your child has ANY of the Covid symptoms (temperature, new cough, loss of taste or smell), however mild those symptoms might be. The guidance, which has been in place since last March, is that even if you think the symptoms can be explained by something else, such as a cold, hayfever or asthma, you still have to isolate and test. Everyone can now access lateral flow tests for regular testing at home, and we strongly encourage you to do this twice weekly. However the at-home tests should only be used for people without symptoms. If there are symptoms, you must arrange a full PCR test. Financial support is available if you need to self-isolate and meet certain criteria.
A reminder that Monday 3rd May is a bank holiday, so do enjoy the long weekend!
Warm regards
Helen Castell
- To contact the school during the day, please email us at Please remember that your child's teacher cannot check the class email accounts while they are teaching.
- Please try to bring everything your child needs at the start of the school day. The office staff cannot go into class, so staff have to leave their classroom to collect forgotten items.
- Please remember that children must not attend school within 48 hours of any sickness or diarrhoea.
Well done to the following children who have been awarded Shooting Stars for setting a great example to others this week.
Sharks: Jess for persevering with her spellings and Abi for her great attitude towards her work!
Dolphins: Sophie for incredible reading with confidence to the whole class and Isaac for his amazing cricket skills!
Turtles: Gabriel for super maths and practising sharing equal groups with friends! Lincoln for writing some amazing comparative sentences about dinosaurs, using our suffixes -er and -est!
Parrots: Zachary for persevering and becoming a suffix superstar! Jessica V for coming to school with a big smile and having fun with her friends!
Foxes: Francesca for her sunny personality and always being willing to try new things! Henry G for growing in confidence this term and always being kind to his friends!
Squirrels: Frankie for being kind and helpful to her friend who was looking for something! Albie for super sentence writing and lovely letter formation!
Year 2 News
What a fun week we’ve had! This week we’ve been finding out about pirate ships. We’ve learnt facts, written about them and labelled all of the important features. Maths has been fun too as we ate different foods to discover that a half and two quarters are equivalent! The computers have also been busy as we have been learning about algorithms.
Please click here for this week's Year 2 Home Learning.
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Year 1 News
Please click here for this week's Year 1 Home Learning.
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This week we have enjoyed our poem ‘Dance’. We have been having fun dancing in the classroom and in the garden! We looked at dances from around the world and learnt some ‘Just Dance’ moves. We watched Boogie Beebies as well. We really enjoyed our Captain Tom 100 challenge. We loved cheering our friends on while they completed the 100 metre obstacle course. Sorry, our poem next week is about rain! We must have ordered it! Have a lovely weekend.
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