Message from Mrs. Castell

Dear Parents,
Another busy week! It was lovely to meet our new parents for September virtually on Tuesday evening. Despite the disappointing news that the current restrictions remain in place until the end of term, I can assure you that the transition programme to the next academic year continues for all children. This week Year Two had visits from Writtle Junior School staff and Mr Taylor was delighted to meet so many Year Two parents at the morning drop off. Parents of current Foundation Stage and Year One children will be invited to meet their child's new teacher on our return in September, as we still cannot have gatherings indoors. I appreciate that yet again, the pandemic has impacted on parental engagement and involvement in school events such as Sports Day and whilst this is regrettable, we do feel that the health and safety of our staff and communities must come above all other decisions we make. On behalf of the governors and staff I would like to thank you in advance for your continued understanding in these matters.
On Monday Year One enjoyed their Teddy Lympics, followed by a very exciting delivery from Incredible Eggs. We are hatching chick eggs in Year 1 and duckling eggs in Foundation Stage. They have been absolutely fascinating to watch and the chicks and ducks are so, so cute! Thank you to WISPA for funding this experience for both year groups and lifting the spirits of both the children and the staff this week. Next Thursday we continue the avian fun with the re-scheduled visit from Night Owls. Photo proofs of your child with the barn owl will be sent home a few days after the event and if you wish to order, you can return payment by cash or cheque in the envelope provided.
Sadly today will be Miss Williams last day in Sharks classroom, following medical and government advice for pregnant women over 28 weeks. She will be working from home and keeping in touch with the children remotely, and will return for some socially distanced visits before the end of term. We have written to Sharks parents separately with details of the teaching arrangements for the final weeks of term. We will miss her very much!
A reminder that if your child is taking a PCR test, then all members of your family should isolate until the test result comes back.
Have a good weekend. I think there's a football match on this evening?
Warm regards
Helen Castell
- Please continue to test twice-weekly using lateral flow tests at home. If you receive a positive result, or experience any symptoms, you must isolate the whole household and arrange a PCR test. All test results should be recorded on the government website.
- We love to celebrate achievements out of school in our Friday assemblies, such as swimming, karate, dancing and bike riding. Please email us at so we can share them with the school.
Well done to the following children who have been awarded Shooting Stars for setting a great example to others this week.
Sharks: Everyone for being such wonderful children and such a special class to work with! I will miss you all!
Dolphins: Samuel for showing great enthusiasm in topic work! Anwyn for her amazing camouflaged tiger picture!
Parrots: Daria for trying really hard to decode her sounds when reading! Blythe for excellent predictions when reading 'How to Find Gold!'
Turtles: Alexa for coming up with a fantastic prediction for the end of our story ‘How to Find Gold!' Henry for being an amazing role model to others and for always trying his best!
Squirrels: Evie and Teddy for settling in so well and being wonderful friends to us all!
Foxes: Claudia for all your wonderful ideas during your play, you have a great imagination! Franklyn for always being polite, friendly and always trying your best!
Year 2 News
Our topic took us all the way to the Amazon rainforests this week! The children wrote some amazing rainforest stories and lots of them created scenes called trioramas to accompany them. They were fascinated to learn about why animals in the rainforest need to camouflage and used their art techniques to create a picture with a hidden animal. Our little eco warriors also learnt about deforestation and should be able to share some facts with you. As you can see, we've had a busy week but still found time to brush up on their addition and subtraction skills! We are going to Miss Williams very much in Sharks class, but will be keeping in touch regularly and will see her online! Miss Smith, our trainee teacher in Dolphins who has been with us all year, will be leaving us on Friday 9th July. We'll be so sorry to say goodbye but wish her the best of luck in her new job - we know she will be a fantastic teacher!
Please click here for this week's home learning.
Our email addresses are and
Year 1 News
What a fun packed week for Year One! Well done for taking part in the Teddy Lympics, you all worked incredibly hard. In English, we finished reading our story 'How to Find Gold' and had a drama-filled week of acting out the parts of the characters. The children also had some wonderful predictions of what they thought would happen next. In Maths, we have learned all about money! It was so interesting to see the different coins and what amounts we could make. In the afternoons, we have continued to find out more about the British monarch in History and look at how plants grow in Science. We also had a fantastic time tasting food! The children really opened their minds to try new things and they ended up enjoying most of them!
Please click here for this week's Year 1 Home Learning.
Our email addresses are and
Well! What an eggciting week we have had! The children were super excited to find we had eggs delivered this week. We have watched them carefully and enjoyed learning all about them. We have loved watching them hatch out of their eggs and giggled when they waddled around on the carpet. We enjoyed practising for our sports day and speed stacking inter-schools competition. Some children need to do the speed stacking next week and then we will hand out their certificates! This week we have been learning about number 17 and doubling numbers.
Have a lovely weekend.
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