Message from Mrs. Castell

Dear Parents,
We were very sorry to have to close a whole bubble this week, for the first time since March 2020. It is a reminder that we must all continue to be very careful and isolate and test when necessary. Contrary to reports in the media this week, the decision about which children and staff members must isolate is taken following advice from Public Health England, not the headteacher.
We have had another very busy week with the Year Two sports morning and I think they were inspired by England’s win, as they had a wonderful time competing in their national teams. We said goodbye to the chicks and ducks this week and it seems very quiet in the classrooms without them!
You will receive your child’s report by email on Monday. We will also send a form by ParentMail if you wish to sign up for a phone call with your child's class teacher following the receipt of your report.

Thank you for all of the information about achievements outside of school which we share on Friday assemblies. As it is the leavers assembly next week there will not be a celebration assembly, but anything you share with me will be shared the following week. We celebrated the achievements of some of our children who attend Writtle Minors today and they have a few spaces available if anyone in Year 2 in September would like to join. Please get in touch via the Writtle Minors website if you are interested.
Next Tuesday 6th July Year Two will visit the juniors, unless there is a change in the situation. They will use a room just for themselves and go over in their bubbles with their staff. They will not mix with children from the Junior school. The junior school staff will socially distance themselves from the children but still be very welcoming!
Thank you for all the orders for owl photos. We know the Foundation Stage bubble are isolating until next Friday, so the deadline has been extended to that day. Please give any envelopes to the class teacher. Kittle class photo order tickets have also been sent home - these should be completed online.
Warm regards and fingers crossed for the match tomorrow!
Helen Castell
- We have had complaints about cars being parked on the double yellow lines outside the school. Please park considerately and consider the safety of pedestrians when you choose where to park.
- Please continue to test twice-weekly using lateral flow tests at home. If you receive a positive result, or experience any symptoms, you must isolate the whole household and arrange a PCR test. All test results should be recorded on the government website.
- We love to celebrate achievements out of school in our Friday assemblies, such as swimming, karate, dancing and bike riding. Please email us at so we can share them with the school.
Well done to the following children who have been awarded Shooting Stars for setting a great example to others this week.
Sharks - Betsy and Harry for determination and enthusiasm at Sports Day!
Dolphins - Hugo for enthusiasm, independence and joy at the Y2 Olympics and Bethany for wonderful writing!
Parrots - Dudley for using his creativity to create his own version of 'How to find gold!' Thomas for persevering to tell the time using o'clock and half past!
Turtles - Scarlett and Audrey for creating really imaginative story maps and for making a great start to their story 'How to find gold!'
Squirrels - All of Squirrels for being super stars at forest school and for working hard at home this week. Well done everyone!
Foxes - All of Foxes for being super stars at forest school and for working hard at home this week. Well done everyone!
Year 2 News
What an awesome Olympic week we’ve had! We learnt about the ancient and modern Olympics, researched facts about Tokyo and watched Olympians in action. We also discussed the Olympic values and we were delighted to witness them in our very own Olympic style sports day. We are sure they have shown you their ‘values’ stickers. We were so proud of each and every Y2 during our sports day. They displayed great sporting talent, enjoyment and pride in each other's achievements. The children competed as teams and we held finals for sprinting and hurdles over 20m. The winning team was South Africa, followed by Brazil, Japan and Great Britain! What an exhilarating finale we had with everyone cheering and celebrating with the victors! The sprint and hurdle winners were:
Girls sprint: Gold - Bella, Silver - Lucy, Bronze - Iris Br
Boys sprint: Gold - Finn, Silver - Ted, Bronze - Luke A
Boys hurdles: Gold - Finn, Silver - Theo, Bronze - Cody
Girls hurdles: Gold - Olive, Silver - Lucie, Bronze - Myra
Congratulations to everyone, you were all brilliant!
Our email addresses are and
Year 1 News
What a fun and busy week for Year One! In English, we are starting to create our own versions of 'How to find Gold', by changing what Anna and Crocodile are finding! The children had some lovely, creative ideas and it has been great to read the beginnings of their stories. We have been learning to tell the time using o'clock and half past, as well as learning about lengths of time such as hours, minutes and seconds. The children are able to tell us when lunchtime is, and tidy up time without being asked (it is amazing!). In the afternoons, we have revised the parts of plants and what their job is. Due to the isolation of the EYFS bubble, we also had the pleasure of duck-sitting for a couple of days! The ducks are much messier and louder, but they were so much fun! Only 10 more school days to go, and we are so proud of the progress the children have made.
Please click here for this week's Year 1 Home Learning.
Our email addresses are and
This week we loved watching the ducklings getting bigger and having baths! Yesterday they went to their new home with Miss Williams! She says she will send us updates about them. This week we have enjoyed learning about Monkeys and reciting the funny Monkey poem. Foxes loved forest school this week and we hope to find a time during the last week where Squirrels can have their missed session in forest school. Thank you for all your help this week with home schooling. We can’t wait to see you all at 2pm today and when we get back together next Friday.
Have a lovely weekend.
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