Dear Parents
The summer term is here and the sun has already been shining! As always it is a busy term ahead, so please keep an eye on our newsletter and ParentMail communications for information.
Primary School Offer Day
On Tuesday our Year 2 parents received their school place offers for children starting Year 3 in September. It’s a very exciting time and we know that the Junior School can’t wait for you all to start visiting later this term and settling into your new environment. Don’t worry, there is still plenty of time and lots of fun things left to do in Year 2 yet! At the same time, we are very pleased to see that 60 children have been offered places to start with us in Reception from September. We are looking forward to meeting them and their families very soon.
Sponsored Reading Challenge
Thank you for your very generous donations so far for our Sponsored Reading Challenge! I have been delighted to see so many photos of children reading in unusual places, as always our families are very inventive! We hope the children have enjoyed the challenge, please return your completed forms and sponsorship money as soon as possible so that we can start to order some new books.
WISPA Easter Trail
There was a wonderful response to the WISPA Easter Trail over the Easter holidays. Well done to all the children who completed the hunt and congratulations to our winner Maia and runners-up Lowen, Grace and Olivia A, all of whom were awarded some Easter goodies in assembly today.
Lunch Survey / Snack Change
This week I completed our survey of the children’s views about our school lunches. It is clear that they enjoy the meals on offer with hot dogs, pizza and Fish Fridays being the most popular choices. There are strict government guidelines in place for our caterers in terms of nutritional value and portion size for this age group. However, the school day includes a lot of physical activity, whether this is during play time, lunchtime clubs or PE activities. The children have a fruit snack in the morning and the government provides fruit/veg in the afternoon. Although this is nutritious and healthy, two-thirds of children said that they were hungry in class and this affected their concentration levels. We have therefore decided to trial new options for the daily snack provided by parents. From Monday, we suggest that you include an additional item as well as their daily fruit/veg, such as breadsticks, crackers, rice cakes, pitta bread, oatcakes, or plain popcorn. Please ensure the snacks are named and they don’t include crisps, sweet items or chocolate. Hopefully this will ensure that the children are ready to learn at all times of day, but we will monitor this and update you soon.
Mrs Glennie
Finally, we are very sorry to say that the wonderful Mrs Glennie is leaving us for pastures new next Thursday. She has been a ray of sunshine in our school for the past 12 years, and chair of the PTA before that, raising many thousands of pounds for the school. She will be deeply missed by the children and staff alike, who all adore her joyous approach to life, her endless creativity and her boundless energy. We wish her every happiness in her next adventures and we look forward to seeing her when she pops in for a visit or two!
Have a lovely weekend.
Best wishes
Tracey Wilson
Essentials for next week
Please take a look at our new Clubs and Forest School timetable to ensure that your child has all the clothing/footwear required and they are aware of the after school arrangements.
- Please try to take good care of our school reading books as they are very expensive. Thank you to parents who have generously replaced books that have been damaged.
- Our Lost Property box in reception is overflowing. Please check for any missing items and ensure that you label all clothing and footwear.
- We are lucky to benefit from many parent helpers in school, as well as governors like Mrs Gentle and Reverend Tony who come to read with the children regularly. If you are interested in volunteering, please speak to the office.
- Please check the diary dates for details of upcoming events.
Message from WISPA
Welcome back! We hope you all had a brilliant Easter and enjoyed the Easter Egg hunt! It was wonderful to see so many families out and about in our village. Congratulations to the winners of the prize draw. Thank you to everyone who joined in, the activity raised £350.
Don’t forget we still have heavily discounted tickets for Barleylands and Adventure Island for sale - online purchase via the links below;
Barleylands tickets:
Adventure Island Wristbands:
There are lots of events this term, so please take a look below at some dates for your diary!
- Cake sale next Friday (26th April)- collection of donations at drop off before school, sales at pick up.
- Paint & Sip - Saturday 18th May 7-9pm, at The Rose & Crown. Join us for an evening of artist-led painting with the lovely Effy. Limited to 22 places, book via the link:
- Bag2school - Monday 13th May. Start collecting together your unwanted, clean clothes, accessories, shoes and household linens. Collection bags will be sent home w/e 3rd May, and can be dropped off before school on Monday 13th May. Full details of what can and can’t be accepted via the link:
- Inflatable fun - Friday 24th May, after school. Watch this space for tickets!
- Summer Fair - Saturday 29th June, 11am - 1pm. Details to follow.
Home Learning
Please follow the links below to access this week's home learning and topic maps for Years 1 and 2.
Year 1 Home Learning
Year 2 Home Learning
Highlights of the week
Year 2
Year 2 has had fun learning about volume and capacity and seeing how accurately they can measure in millilitres! We have read the first chapter of our new book and learnt about primary, secondary and tertiary colours!
Year One
The children loved the introduction to our moon and space topic and have shown great enthusiasm. We have also been exploring mass and volume in maths and coding and writing algorithms to program a floor robot in computing.
We have had a great week back learning about numbers above 10 in maths and reading and writing words in phonics. We have still found time to learn all about dinosaurs and of course play, play and play!
Forest School
Keeping Children Safe
- Emergency contact details must be up to date. Please email us at if your details have changed.
- Any food brought to school must not contain nuts or egg-based foods (e.g. egg mayo, scotch egg, omelette etc.).
- We all have a duty to safeguard the children in our care. If you have any concerns about a child, please contact the school, the Chairs of Governors (if your concern is about a member of teaching staff), or the Essex Child and Families Hub on 0345 603 7627.
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