Dear Parents
After the rain over half term, isn’t it lovely to see some sunshine? As we enjoy the warmer weather, please remember that the children are outside throughout the day and there is very little shade on the school grounds, so they do need sun protection such as “once” sun cream applied in the morning, a named sun hat and water bottle.
Year 2 Mini Games
We’ve had another busy week, with all our Year 2 children attending the Chelmsford Mini Games at Chelmsford Sport and Athletics Centre on Wednesday. The children came a very respectable 5th in the competition against other local schools and we are very proud to say that Alex in Dolphins was the fastest boy at the event, winning a gold medal! Congratulations to him, what a brilliant achievement! Thank you to the parents who came to cheer on all the children and to the staff for accompanying them.
We held induction meetings this week for parents whose children are starting school in September. It was lovely to see both new and familiar faces and we look forward to working with families as the children begin their induction over the coming weeks. Of course we are preparing all children for moving up to their next year group and there will be lots of opportunities to settle them in before September. A reminder that Year 2 parents are invited to induction meetings at WJS next Thursday and Friday, details have been emailed to you.
Multiply Maths Course
Parents who attended the Multiply Maths course on Wednesday afternoon were full of praise for the way it enhanced their understanding of how maths is taught in Years 1 and 2. If you would like to attend next Wednesday afternoon, you would be very welcome, please sign up here or speak to the office. Remember it's free and you receive a £10 voucher on completion!
Important Communications
Apologies as it is a very busy day for communications, you will receive lots of ParentMails! Please check your account, as we are sending important messages home today. Most notably we are delighted to confirm an exciting future development for the school, as we look to form the HIVE multi-academy trust with other local schools, including Writtle Junior School. We have also sent home a reminder about the 2 Johns meeting at WJS on Monday evening, once again we cannot recommend this highly enough, they really are experts in the field of internet safety. Year 1 and 2 will be attending a workshop with the 2 Johns on Monday morning at WJS.
Phonics Screening
Year 1 will have their phonics screening next week, so please make sure they have a good night’s sleep and a hearty breakfast each day! It really helps their concentration. Please don’t worry about the screening, we ensure it is stress-free and a very low-key event. In fact the children often enjoy the dedicated one-to-one time with their class teacher.
Sports Day
Sports Day is coming up on the afternoon of Tuesday 25th June. This year it will be a joint event with the Junior school, which we are all very excited about. Further details will follow, but children from every year group will be in one of 4 teams competing in 8 activities, with siblings kept together, so that you don’t need to split yourself in two to follow them around the field! Entrance will be via the Junior school as the Infant school site will be closed.
Farewell Mrs Borg!
Finally we would like to wish our school chef, Julie Borg, all the very best as she moves to pastures new. She has been working for both schools for 12 years, so she will have cooked thousands of meals, feeding many hundreds of children in that time!
Sorry for the epic message today, it’s a very busy half term and we want to keep you well informed!
Enjoy your weekend.
Best wishes
Tracey Wilson
Essentials for next week
A reminder that the children must have suitable sun protection this term, including water bottles, sun hats and sunscreen applied before school. Raincoats are still a useful backup plan!!
- Please remember your child's additional daily snack in a named box.
- Please try to take good care of our school reading books as they are very expensive. Thank you to parents who have generously replaced books that have been damaged.
- Please check the Lost Property box in reception for any missing items and use the half term break to ensure all clothing and footwear still fits and is labelled!
- If you are interested in volunteering, please speak to the office.
- Please check the diary dates for details of upcoming events.
Message from WISPA
Summer Fair, Saturday 29th June
The countdown is on to the annual Writtle Infant & Junior School Summer Fair from 11.30am - 1.30pm on Saturday 29th June.
The fair is only ever a success with the help of lots of volunteers, so we need plenty of hands to run all the fun stalls. If you are able to volunteer please let your PTA class-rep know, or email (
There are lots of stalls to help on, but we specifically need people with skills in the following:
- Face Painting
- Hair braiding
- Football goalies
Please give us a shout if you are able to do any of the above.
We also have a couple of non-uniform days coming up...
- Friday 21st June - in return for donations of cuddly toys and bottles
- Friday 28th June - in return for donations of cakes and sweets
More information will be sent closer to these dates.
Discounted Tickets
With the summer arriving, don’t miss our discounted tickets to your favourite days out!
Barleylands tickets - £11 each -
Adventure Island tickets - £17.50 each -
Inflatables fun day
A big thank you to everyone who came along to enjoy our inflatables event before half term. It was great to see the children enjoying themselves, and the event raised £760 for the PTA fund which will be used to update playground equipment!
Highlights of the week
Year 2
Well we’ve had another lovely week - our highlight of course was going to the Year 2 mini games! The children made us really proud. They wrote some amazing recounts about it - riding the toy horses was definitely a favourite event! We’ve also started learning about telling the time and how the hands on the clock work. We’ve harvested our first bag of raspberries from the Year 2 garden too - they look delicious!!
Year 1
Foxes and Squirrels loved their first Forest School sessions this week! We have updated you about their activities on Tapestry. The fun continues next week!
Keeping Children Safe
- Emergency contact details must be up to date. Please email us at if your details have changed.
- Any food brought to school must not contain nuts or egg-based foods (e.g. egg mayo, scotch egg, omelette etc.).
- We all have a duty to safeguard the children in our care. If you have any concerns about a child, please contact the school, the Chairs of Governors (if your concern is about a member of teaching staff), or the Essex Child and Families Hub on 0345 603 7627.
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