Weekly News – Friday 14th June

Dear Parents

Congratulations to our wonderful Year 2 cricketers, who were victorious in Chelmsford School Sport Partnership’s 3 Tees Cricket Final on Wednesday! They won all five of their matches and have now earned a place, representing Chelmsford, in the County Final. We are so proud, not only of their sporting achievement but also of their conduct, enthusiasm and sportsmanship throughout the competition. They are truly great ambassadors for the school. Many thanks to all the team members who competed in previous rounds and helped to secure our place in the final. A huge thank you to all of our spectators too - you created a wonderfully supportive atmosphere.

We celebrated the children's win in assembly, as well as honours given to several children from Writtle Minors. We also cheered for Cara, who has been awarded a green Blue Peter badge which is such a special achievement! And we are very proud of Martha, who had the brilliant idea of selling cactus paintings outside her home and raised an amazing £31.50 for The British Hedgehog Preservation Society!

Euros Competition

Miss Wakeling has organised a Euros competition across the school with teams mixed from each year group. The tournament started this week with England scoring an impressive 7-0 victory in their group match over the Netherlands. Let’s hope that success is replicated in Germany! The matches continue at lunchtimes over the next few weeks, look out for the scores posted at the main entrance.

2 Johns Meeting

As anticipated, the 2 Johns’ workshop on internet safety was utterly illuminating. It is always shocking to find out the extent of the potential dangers, but reassuring to know that there are measures we can all take to protect children. Many thanks to the many parents who attended the evening meeting. For those of you who missed it, we highly recommend the resources provided on the 2 Johns website.

Phonics Screening

Phonics screening took place for our Year 1 children this week, well done to them all for their composure and positive attitude when demonstrating their fabulous phonics skills. We can really see that our investment in Little Wandle is paying dividends, so thank you to the staff who have worked tirelessly to prepare the children and also for your support at home. The results will be published in your child’s annual report in July.

Multiply Maths Workshop

Our second maths workshop for parents was well attended and once again the feedback was that it was very useful and informative. We hope to run a further session in the Autumn term for our new parents in EYFS.

Summer Fair, Saturday 29th June

The Parents Association are in full preparation mode for the Summer Fair, with their first dress down day next Friday in exchange for bottles and soft toys. Please see WISPA’s message below for further details. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year, so please email wispacharity@gmail.com if you can offer a little of your time to help the organisers of the event.

Summer Trips

Information about our summer trips for all year groups has now been sent home. We mentioned in a previous newsletter that a few Year 2 children would have the opportunity to attend the Wimbledon Championships in July (as spectators! ). Unfortunately the extortionate cost of travel by minibus means that the day would be prohibitively expensive to offer as a school trip (over £100 per pupil). However we do not want the tickets to go to waste, as this is such a unique and prestigious event, so we are offering 5 pairs of tickets to Court 2 on Tuesday 2nd July at £20 each, for parents to accompany their children if they wish. Please contact the office as soon as possible if you would like to take up this opportunity. In the event of oversubscription we will choose names from a ballot.

Year 1 & 2 Information

Finally, our Year 1 and 2 teams have prepared new activity passports and topic maps for you, so that you can see what the children are learning this half term and have a few tasks for them to complete at home. Please take a look on our home learning page.

Let’s hope it warms up this weekend! Don’t forget to spoil all the dads, grandads and special men in your life on Sunday.

Best wishes
Tracey Wilson

Essentials for next week

  • A reminder that the children must have suitable sun protection this term, including water bottles, sun hats and sunscreen applied before school. Raincoats are still a useful backup plan!!
  • Please remember your child's additional daily snack in a named box.
  • Please try to take good care of our school reading books as they are very expensive. Thank you to parents who have generously replaced books that have been damaged.
  • Please check the Lost Property box in reception for any missing items and use the half term break to ensure all clothing and footwear still fits and is labelled!
  • If you are interested in volunteering, please speak to the office.
  • Please check the diary dates for details of upcoming events.

Message from WISPA

Summer Fair, Saturday 29th June

The annual Writtle Infant & Junior School Summer Fair is only 2 weeks away, from 11.30am - 1.30pm on Saturday 29th June. Please see the attached poster for more details.

A big thank you to everyone who has come forward to volunteer help – we really can’t do it without you all. If you can volunteer, please let your PTA class-rep know on your WhatsApp group, or email wispacharity@gmail.com.

There are lots of stalls to help on, but we specifically need people with skills in the following:

  • *Face Painting*
  • *Hair braiding*
  • *Football goalies*

Please give us a shout if you are able to do any of the above.

Raffle tickets

We have some fantastic prizes for this year’s raffle, including tickets to Chelmsford City Racecourse and Essex Cricket. A book of raffle tickets will come home with each child next week, with instructions on how to pay and return your ticket stubs for the draw. We’ll also be selling tickets at the refreshments stand at sports day on Tues 25th, after school on Friday 28th June, and at the fair on Saturday 29th June.

Dates for your diary

  • w/c 17th June – Summer Fair raffle tickets sent home
  • Friday 21st June – Dress Down Day in return for donations of cuddly toys and bottles – any types of drinks, sauces, bubble bath etc
  • Tuesday 25th June – Sports Day (afternoon) - come see us at the Band Stand for refreshments and raffle tickets.
  • Friday 28th June – Dress Down Day in return for donations of cakes and sweets. Return your raffle ticket stubs and pay by card / contactless after school.
  • Saturday 29th June – join us for fun at the Summer Fair, 11.30am – 1.30pm!

Home Learning

Please follow the links below to access this week's home learning and topic maps for Years 1 and 2.
Year 1 Home Learning
Year 2 Home Learning

Highlights of the week

Year 2

We have continued to learn about telling the time, worked on our phonics & spellings and done some beautiful paper weaving, which was inspired by our work on Africa! We’ve learnt some interesting facts about Africa too and listened to an African story…. We just wish we had some beautiful African sunshine ☀️ to accompany our learning as it’s a bit chilly!

Year 1

The children have worked hard this week practising handwriting and spelling with a focus on the use of capital letters and full stops in the sentence writing. They have written similes to describe Grandma Bird and considered how she felt at different parts of the story. In maths the focus has been working with numbers 50-100. The children have completed missing number sequences, found one more/less and have been partitioning into tens and ones.


The children had a great time learning all about bees this week. We have been looking after the garden so the bees have lots of flowers to get nectar from. We have also learnt that they pollinate the flowers as they go!

Keeping Children Safe

  • Emergency contact details must be up to date. Please email us at parents@writtleinfantschool.com if your details have changed.
  • Any food brought to school must not contain nuts or egg-based foods (e.g. egg mayo, scotch egg, omelette etc.).
  • We all have a duty to safeguard the children in our care. If you have any concerns about a child, please contact the school, the Chairs of Governors (if your concern is about a member of teaching staff), or the Essex Child and Families Hub on 0345 603 7627.