Welcome to Dolphins!

Dolphins class logoHello!

We just wanted to say hello and tell you that you don’t need to worry about moving to Year 2. In fact it’s very exciting and you will have a great time.

We are so excited that you will be part of our class in September. This is going to be such an exciting time for all of us as you move from Year 1 to Dolphins class. Grown ups, we are looking forward to meeting and working with you too.

We hope you have a wonderful summer that’s full of fun and adventures! Since we have a few weeks of summer to play with, we thought we could also keep your brains ticking over. We have a few suggestions and some fun activities for you to try. DON’T WORRY, IT IS NOT HOMEWORK!!! These activities are optional, which means you may choose as little or many as you like. You can do them alone, with friends or someone in your family. At the start of term in September, please bring your lovely work into school so we can show your friends and put your paintings and models on display in the classroom.

We are so looking forward to being your teachers from September. Have a super Summer!

Mrs Scott-Simons, Mrs Wilson and all of the Dolphins team

List Of Possible Activities

Remember these are optional!

  • Create a fact file all about YOU! Tell us all about yourself and the things you like.
  • Let’s get crafty! – Can you create some beautiful dolphins? You can use pens, pencils, paint, make a model etc. Be as creative as you like.
  • Summer Journal – Make a picture journal of your summer. Each week write or draw about something you did or enjoyed. You could even add photos and captions.
  • Keep your maths skills sharp; counting to 100+ forwards and backwards in 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s if you fancy a challenge.
  • Keep healthy and active. Go on walks, skip, throw and catch different size balls and try to increase your stamina (how long can you keep going?).
  • Take some time out to enjoy our wonderful world. Look at nature, try some mindfulness activities or some Cosmic Yoga (on YouTube).
  • Have fun!