Weekly News – Friday 11th October

Not everyone is terrified of spiders!
Our own Goldsworthy artworks!

Dear Parents,

We’ve been feeling very autumnal this week, the weather is turning and the leaves are starting to fall. There are lots of spiders around and the children have had some very close encounters with them in Forest School, which they have absolutely loved! This week they took inspiration from the work of artist Andy Goldsworthy, creating some beautiful artworks. Forest School lessons are such a valuable asset to our school, they enrich the children’s learning and clearly give them such joy. We are very lucky to have such amazing Forest School leaders, Mrs Winsley and Mrs Stobbie, who work tirelessly every week to devise enchanting new ways to inspire the children to enjoy the natural world. 

This week

HIVE Family of Schools: Each school hosted a consultation meeting for parents and staff this week, which is an essential part of the process of forming a multi-academy trust. Please remember you are welcome to give your feedback until the consultation period ends on Friday 25th October.

Our Enormous Turnip - it's a whopper!

Harvest: The Year 1 and 2 children performed brilliantly at the Harvest Festival on Wednesday, we hope you all enjoyed it. Thank you to Reverend Tony who led a prayer and made us all appreciate why we celebrate Harvest as such a special time of year. Our Foxes and Squirrels were treated to the performance of The Enormous Turnip in assembly today. Your very kind donations raised over £100 for The Link Club, for which we know they will be so grateful. Our Year 2 children will sing to them at their annual Christmas party. We have also received a note of gratitude from Chelmsford FoodBank after both schools collected an amazing 206kg of donations yesterday. Thank you so much to everyone who contributed. 

Village Fair Donation: This week we were also incredibly grateful to have received a very generous donation of £1,500 from the Writtle Village Fair Association, following the village fair that was held during the summer. We will use the money to invest in our outdoor areas across the school and we look forward to showing the Fair Association how their hard-earned profits have benefitted the children. 

Autumn Storytime: This afternoon we have invited Year 1 & 2 parents to our Autumn Storytime (EYFS parents joined children in class last week). We hope this event fits in well with your busy schedules as it is just a few minutes before you would normally collect your children, but we know they really enjoy reading with their parents. We will have another session again next half term. 

Chickenpox: Unfortunately chickenpox is doing the rounds at the moment, so please look out for the symptoms. If your child is affected they will need to stay home from school until every blister has scabbed over - normally we find this takes around 5 - 7 days.

Next week

Tuesday - Flu consent deadline: The school nurses will be in school on Thursday 17th to complete the annual flu immunisation which is offered to all children. Please make sure you have completed the consent form by Tuesday 15th October if you want your child to receive the vaccination, which takes the form of a nasal spray. 

Thursday - Flu immunisations: As the nurses from the immunisation team will be in the library, there will be no piano lessons on Thursday morning - Bonnie will make up the lesson later in the term. 

Week after next

Tuesday 22nd / Thursday 24th - Parents’ Evenings: We are only 2 weeks away from the half term break! In the final week before half term we will host Parents’ Evenings at both schools on Tuesday and Thursday (Dolphins on Monday and Thursday). Please sign up on ParentMail for your appointment if you haven’t already done so. Children are welcome to attend these appointments. Both schools will run a Book Fair at the same time, giving you the opportunity to buy some wonderful books before or after your meeting with the class teacher. 

Some of last year's amazing pumpkins!

Friday 25th - Pumpkin competition: On the last day of half term, the PTA will hold a dress down day and pumpkin decorating competition. This is a hotly contested event, when children (and parents) show their incredible creativity and ingenuity, so no pressure, but you might want to start thinking about your ideas! Please drop off your pumpkin on the lawn outside the school in the morning and remember to collect it at the end of the day to take home, otherwise it will rot over the half term break! 


Toys in school: The children are bringing in lots of toys from home at the moment, which unfortunately creates a distraction in class and interrupts learning time. If it is necessary for a child’s well-being to bring in a toy for comfort, please discuss this with the class teacher, otherwise please keep toys at home so they don’t get lost or damaged. There may be the odd occasion when teachers will ask for particular items to be brought in from home to support the children’s learning. 

Earrings: We have seen a number of girls wearing transparent earrings in school. It is an Essex-wide health and safety requirement that earrings are not worn for PE, so please remove them before school, or ensure your child can remove them themselves. Staff are not permitted to remove earrings, or tape over ears. 

Name tags: Please, please label all school uniform, footwear and other belongings! We have lots of lost property and mislaid items at the moment! We will put lost property on display at our Parents’ Evenings, so please check it when you come to school for your appointment and claim anything that belongs to you.

Community Links: There is lots of useful information on our Community Links page. If you are looking for holiday activities, resources, competitions and publications, please take a look, there are plenty of ideas for the October half term! 

Enjoy the weekend.

Best wishes,

Tracey Wilson

PTA update

Thank you to everyone who donated to and bought treats from last week’s cake sale - the event raised £285.

Paint & Sip – Saturday 19th October
We still have a small number of tickets for this event on Saturday 19th October.  This event is open to everyone, not just school parents, so get a group of friends together and come for a fun evening! Get your tickets by following the link: https://square.link/u/b3OYOWEu?src=sheet

Halloween dress-down & pumpkin decorating competition – Friday 25th October
£2 donation for dress down and entry into the competition for the best decorated pumpkin. Cash on the day at drop off or donate via the link in next week’s newsletter.
(We are aware that this date clashes with the Year 6 VE themed activities this year, so the Halloween dress-up is for reception to Year 5 only.  Year 6 are of course still very welcome to join in the pumpkin competition!)

Barleylands & Adventure Island tickets
We have 50 discounted Barleylands and a last few discounted Adventure Island tickets going up for sale next Monday at 6pm.  Booking links will be sent out on Monday – watch this space!

easyfundraising are offering a £2 bonus for all new supporters registered during October. This free passive fundraising costs you nothing and earns donations for your school for your normal online purchases.  Please click the link to sign up and start earning free donations:How it Works | Easyfundraising

ASDA Cashpot for Schools
Until 30th November 2024, every time you shop with Asda using their Rewards app, ASDA will donate 0.5% of the value of your shop to your chosen primary school. And that’s not all - for every customer who chooses our school, Asda will put £1 into our school’s Cashpot, and another £50 when our school’s first opted-in customer spends in-store or online! Please sign up and select Writtle Infant School Parents Association so our schools can benefit from these free donations: https://www.asda.com/cashpotforschools 

Home learning

Home learning passports have now been published for this half term. Please try to complete these activities over the course of this half term, and email any work or photos to parents@writtleinfantschool.com.

Year 1 Home Learning Passport, Autumn 1 2024
Year 2 Home Learning Passport, Autumn 1 2024

Highlights of the week

Year 2

Well, what a whopper of a Harvest Festival we had! The Year 2's did us all proud with their singing, reading and enthusiasm! The children also wrote some fabulous recounts about going to the church. Securing number bonds to 10 & 20 has been the aim of maths this week and we have continued our work on materials in Science. A busy week as ever!

Year 1

We enjoyed learning about harvest and performing at the church. The children also amazed us with their writing about what they are thankful for.


What a busy week in EYFS. The highlight was our new sand being wheel-barrowed in by our wonderful staff team and the magnificent Helen, who worked her socks off for us. Thank you so much - the children love it!

Daily Essentials

  • 2 snacks (fruit/veg/healthy savoury) and a bottle of still water.
  • A coat
  • Book bag (no large backpacks please)
  • Trainers rather than formal footwear or sandals (this is non-negotiable on PE days).
  • PE kit must be worn on PE days and jewellery MUST be removed.
  • Forest School clothes must be worn on Forest School days. Wellies must be brought to school.
  • All clothing, footwear and belongings MUST be named!!

Keeping Children Safe

  • Thanks to those parents who have supported us in protecting the children’s privacy by waiting on the path by the main entrance until 3pm.
  • Emergency contact details must be up to date. Please email us at parents@writtleinfantschool.com if your details have changed.
  • Any food brought to school must not contain nuts or egg-based foods (e.g. egg mayo, scotch egg, omelette etc.).
  • We all have a duty to safeguard the children in our care. If you have any concerns about a child, please contact the school, the Chairs of Governors (if your concern is about a member of teaching staff), or the Essex Child and Families Hub on 0345 603 7627.