Dear Parents
We have seen our first snow flurries of the year, so thank you for ensuring that the children are wrapped up warm this week! The children in Forest School had a wonderful time making ice lanterns and leaf garlands.
Cases of chickenpox are still emerging in school, so please continue to look out for symptoms if your child has not yet had it.
Thank you for all your wonderful donations to the PTA’s Elfridges store today. The link for tickets will be published as soon as possible and children with tickets will be able to visit the store on Friday 6th December to choose a gift.
Turkish Folk Dance Assembly
The children had a very special assembly on Wednesday morning, with a demonstration of Turkish folk dance. They were absolutely entranced by the experience of a new style of dance and music. Thank you to our governor Firat Yildizgoren for arranging this visit for us, his family and their dance troupe are incredibly talented!
Teddy Lympics Competition
On Tuesday afternoon Mrs Scott-Simons and Miss Wakeling took 16 of our Year 1 children to the Teddy Lympics sporting festival at Chelmsford Sport and Athletics Centre. The children competed against 9 teams from other schools in a variety of events such as jumping, running and throwing. They worked brilliantly as a team, showed some amazing skills and behaved impeccably, coming 5th overall. Well done team, we are very proud of you!
Year 2 Library Visits
Dolphins had a trip to Writtle library on Thursday where they were introduced to the library by Mrs Soden. Sharks will have their turn next week, while Year 1 and EYFS will visit next term.
Christmas Events

We had a wonderful surprise to kick off the festive season, when we received a call from Longacres Garden Centre in Chelmsford to tell us that we had won a competition to award a Christmas tree to a local school! You will see that we are now proudly displaying the 7 foot tree, with a stand, skirt and lights, all donated by Longacres. Thank you so much to Longacres and to the parents who nominated us on Instagram, we are incredibly grateful!
We hope to see some of you at Messy Church this Sunday at 10am. Please join me and Mrs Pluck at All Saints Church to help make decorations for the Christmas Tree Festival on 7th - 8th December. We will look forward to seeing Year 1 and 2 parents again the following day for Reverend Tony’s Advent Assembly, which starts at 9.30am. Please drop your children off at the usual time and then make your way to the church, keeping the reserved pews free for children and staff.
All parents are invited to our Christmas Storytime next Friday at 2.45pm. Please come into the classroom to read with your child for 15 minutes, before waiting on the playground at 3pm while we get the children ready to go home for 3.10pm. You are welcome to bring in your favourite Christmas or winter story with you, or we have plenty in school.
The children are preparing for their Christmas performances to parents. EYFS will have their event on Thursday 5th December, while Years 1 and 2 will perform on Thursday 12th and Friday 13th. Details will be sent home next week.
A final reminder that staff clubs have now finished for the term and all other clubs have their last session next week.
Stay warm this weekend!
Best wishes
Tracey Wilson
PTA Update
Dates for your diary
It’s time for festive PTA events!
A huge thank you to everyone who donated all the lovely gifts this morning. If you missed us, you can still drop your donations to the school offices until Friday 29th November.
Elfridges Gift Store
Tuesday 26th November – booking link will be distributed via school email and class WhatsApp groups, and ticket sales will go live from 7pm
Please note that tickets are restricted to 1 per child initially, more may be released later. Sales close 8pm on Wednesday 4th December or when we sell out.
Friday 6th December - children will choose gifts during school and have them wrapped by our lovely PTA volunteers ready to bring home at the end of the day.
Festive movie nights
Friday 13th December - festive movie night! Tickets on sale next week, look out for booking details….
And don’t forget to sign-up and use your easyfundraising account to make sure all your Christmas spend counts towards donations to your PTA – see the attached flyer.
Home learning
Home learning passports have now been published for this half term. Please try to complete these activities over the course of this half term, and email any work or photos to
We have also published our topic maps for the half term, so you can see what the children will cover in all areas of the Key Stage 1 Curriculum.
Year 1 Half Term Plan - Autumn 2 2024
Year 1 Home Learning Passport - Autumn 2 2024
Year 1 Autumn 2 Weekly spelling
Year 2 Half Term Plan - Autumn 2 2024
Year 2 Home Learning Passport - Autumn 2 2024
Highlights of the week
Year 2
We kicked off a busy week with a road safety assembly: 'Stop, Look, Listen, Think'. In maths, we explored subtraction and linked it to number bonds to 10. In English, we’ve continued to read Ice Bear, focusing on the index and comprehension, while also learning about the use of apostrophes in contractions. This has all been accompanied by our research into habitats, explorers and making a great start on our Christmas decorations!
There is a life sized polar bear coming to Braintree on the 14th December, which perfectly suits our topic for this half term!
Year 1
Keeping Children Safe
- Thanks to those parents who have supported us in protecting the children’s privacy by waiting on the path by the main entrance until 3pm.
- Emergency contact details must be up to date. Please email us at if your details have changed.
- Any food brought to school must not contain nuts or egg-based foods (e.g. egg mayo, scotch egg, omelette etc.).
- We all have a duty to safeguard the children in our care. If you have any concerns about a child, please contact the school, the Chairs of Governors (if your concern is about a member of teaching staff), or the Essex Child and Families Hub on 0345 603 7627.
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