Weekly News – Friday 20th December

Dear Parents,

After a very long term, we are sure you’re all looking forward to a break over the Christmas holidays. Your children have been amazing this term, settling in well to their new classes, working really hard and growing in both confidence and independence, which we all love to see. Thank you to all our wonderful parents and carers for their support over the past term. We know how tricky it is to juggle school events with work, childcare and life at home, so we are grateful that despite all the pressures of daily life, your love and care ensures that children arrive at school happy and ready to learn.

Attendance update

The school attendance rate for this term is 93%, which is in line with the national average and an achievement considering the number of illnesses doing the rounds, including over 60 cases of chickenpox. We will continue our practice of enhanced ventilation, regular hand washing and 48 hour isolation after sickness to combat illness in school, but we are also aware that children of this age group are building up their immunity. A reminder that Mid & South Essex NHS Trust have a useful guide to common childhood illnesses on their website, as well as a guide for accessing healthcare services over the festive period.

This week

This week all year groups enjoyed a Christmas party and we are looking forward to a very special visit from Father Christmas today! Thanks to the PTA, every child will receive a book as a Christmas gift. The PTA also funded the Rainbow Theatre’s pantomime of Cinderella for all year groups on Wednesday afternoon. The children loved taking part (oh yes they did!). As always, we are indebted to the PTA who have worked tirelessly this term to see that children in both schools receive additional opportunities and resources to which the school budgets cannot stretch. We are so grateful to all the volunteers who give up their time to support the schools and to all the parents who contribute to their events. We hope the children enjoy the festive dress down organised by the PTA today, which does not require a donation but is simply a celebration of the children’s achievements this term.

Christmas lunch

Our Christmas lunch on Wednesday was a real success, the children said the meal of turkey and all the trimmings was delicious! Every child made a party hat and we all enjoyed the usual terrible cracker jokes! Thank you to the catering team, our midday assistants and all the other staff who helped the lunch service to run smoothly and contributed to the very festive atmosphere!

Next term

We have published the Spring term timetable for PE/Forest School days, Year 1 and Year 2 clubs, so please take a look to ensure you know which days your child will need appropriate clothing and footwear in school. Please check the school calendar for details of upcoming events. Next half term we look forward to the EYFS and Year 1 classes visiting Writtle Library as they begin the Winter Reading Challenge. We will also be inviting parents into school for lunch.

Primary School Application Deadline

Don’t forget the primary school application deadline is Wednesday 15th January, so if you have a child starting school in September, or moving up to Year 3, it’s absolutely vital that you apply on time!

School Nurses' clinic

The School Nurses’ drop-in clinic continues every Tuesday afternoon from 2.30 - 4.30 in the infant school library - there is now an online booking service so that you can pre-book your appointment.

Events at All Saints' Church

Messy Church will also continue next year, the final session for 2024 is this Sunday at 10am and it is sure to be a very festive occasion, complete with hot chocolate and s'mores! Reverend Tony has also sent us a list of church services for the coming weeks.

Thank you!

Can I please pass on our thanks from all the staff for your end of term messages, cards and gifts. We really have been overwhelmed by your generosity and kindness. On behalf of us all, we send you and your loved ones our very best wishes for the festive season and good health and happiness for 2025.

We hope you enjoy a well deserved rest and very special family experiences over the next fortnight and we look forward to seeing you all again on Monday 6th January 2025.

Tracey Wilson & Nick Taylor


EYFS Tapestry Challenge

We hope you enjoy your Christmas and New Year. We know it is such a busy time and we would love to see photos and videos of the wonderful things you get up to!

If you would like to do a little something with your child then perhaps collect some leaves, twigs or berries from a Winter walk and make a Winter picture to bring into school. We will be learning all about the season of Winter in the New Year. Have fun!

Home learning

If you haven't yet completed your home learning passports, please try to do this over the holidays and email any work or photos to parents@writtleinfantschool.com.

Year 1 Home Learning Passport - Autumn 2 2024

Year 2 Home Learning Passport - Autumn 2 2024

We have also published our topic maps for the next half term, so you can see what the children will cover in all areas of the Key Stage 1 Curriculum.

Click to access Year-1-Half-Term-Plan-Spring-1-2025.pdf

Click to access Year-2-Half-Term-Plan-Spring-1-2025.pdf


Highlights of the week

Year 2

Year 2 have been busy adding & subtracting two digit numbers, writing letters, looking at Christmas poems, being creative in art, keeping up with our phonics, plus watched a pantomime and enjoyed our Christmas lunch and party!! It’s time for a rest! Merry Christmas everyone!

Year 1

Year 1 loved the pantomime and enjoyed making party hats! Thank you for all your support this term, we are really grateful. Have a lovely Christmas!

Please could you bring in any wrapping paper from Christmas into school in January, as we are going to be creating some collages.


Wow - what a busy last week of term! The children had a great time at our Christmas party, Christmas lunch and at the pantomime. They have really embraced the Christmas season and have loved the games and crafts we did together. Thank you for all our amazing gifts, cards and best wishes - we truly appreciate them. The Early Years Team would like to wish you all a wonderful Christmas!

Keeping Children Safe

  • Thanks to those parents who have supported us in protecting the children’s privacy by waiting on the path by the main entrance until 3pm.
  • Emergency contact details must be up to date. Please email us at parents@writtleinfantschool.com if your details have changed.
  • Any food brought to school must not contain nuts or egg-based foods (e.g. egg mayo, scotch egg, omelette etc.).
  • We all have a duty to safeguard the children in our care. If you have any concerns about a child, please contact the school, the Chairs of Governors (if your concern is about a member of teaching staff), or the Essex Child and Families Hub on 0345 603 7627.