Weekly News – Friday 24th January

Toasting marshmallows in Forest School this week!

Dear Parents,

What January blues? Despite the damp and blustery conditions, we have enjoyed another busy week in school, welcoming parents for lunch, taking another trip to the library and continuing to explore our half termly topics. As you can imagine, the wet weather has meant lots of changes of clothes, so if your children have come home in a different outfit to the start of the day, we would really appreciate the return of our spare clothes before we run out!

Morning Drop Off

As you know we always have a senior member of staff at the playground gate in the mornings. It's our pleasure to welcome you every day and to see your children arriving so enthusiastically for the start of the school day and a morning catch-up with their friends. Can we please just ask that you stay with your children until they have come through the playground gate, as we are seeing a few running into the playground without their grown ups. The playground can get very busy in the mornings and we don't want you to lose sight of your children, so please supervise them closely until you hand them over to our care at the school door.

Ordering school meals

Thank you for ordering your children's school lunch in advance each week. Sometimes children decide in the morning that they would like to have a different meal. We are happy to accommodate an alternative choice on the day, but if lots of children do this it can affect the weekly food orders placed by the catering team and also extend the morning registration process, which in turn has an impact on learning time. We are also conscious that parents may not be aware of the children changing their meal choice. Therefore we will now tell the children that only their parent can change their lunch choice to an alternative school meal or a packed lunch. You can let us know on the day by passing a message to the staff on the door in the morning, or contacting the school office by 9.15am.

Toys in School

We know that children sometimes need a small fiddle toy to help them focus on their learning. This is provided by the school, or sometimes from home by prior arrangement with the class teacher or our SENCO, Mrs Standen. Can we please ask that other toys are kept at home, as we are seeing lots of additional toys brought into school at the moment which are becoming a distraction. We also do not want special items to be lost or spoiled! Thank you for your support.

Parent Lunches

Thank you to those who came to the lunch for Dolphins' parents on Wednesday, as ever the children loved seeing you. Next week is Parrots' lunch. Our calendar of events for this term is available at writtleinfantschool.com/events.

Writtle Library Visits / Winter Reading Challenge

Foxes loved their trip to Writtle Library this week! The last class to visit will be Squirrels next Thursday. You still have time to sign up for the Winter Reading Challenge, it finishes on 22nd February, so pop into the library and collect your challenge booklet.

School Nurse Drop In Sessions

Remember you can now book appointments online with the School Nurses who come to our library weekly on a Tuesday afternoon. These are becoming very popular and we are sure you are grateful for the nurses' availability at this very convenient location!

Community Events

As ever, our Community Links page is absolutely packed with information about local events and resources that you might find useful. Among other items listed, there are details of this Sunday's Messy Church at 10am (see you there!), the Essex Activate Half Term activity clubs flyer and a link to half price tickets for Miss Wakeling's upcoming ice hockey game! She would love your support for this game on Saturday 8th February and we would too, as every ticket sold raises £2 for our school! Thank you to the Romford Buccaneers for their generous fundraising event, we are very grateful!

Enjoy your weekend.

Best wishes,

Tracey Wilson

PTA Update

It may be cold and dark outside, but we have some treats and events incoming to keep you warm and feeling bright!

Dates for your diary

Friday 31st January – we’ll be trialling a new after school event, offering hot chocolate and treats from 3-3.45pm.  Look out for more details early next week.

Thursday 13th February – Something You Love drawing competition returns, with sales for templates from Monday 3rd February.

Tuesday 11th & Thursday 13th February – your lovely PTA volunteers will be offering free refreshments during Parents Evening at both infant and junior schools.  Drop by and say hello!

Discounted Barleylands tickets

With half term only 3 weeks away, secure your discounted days out!  Follow the link below to grab one of our limited discounted tickets;


Home learning

Home Learning Passports

We have now published our home learning passports for this half term. Please email any work or photos to parents@writtleinfantschool.com.

Year 1 Home Learning Passport - Spring 1 2025

Year 2 Home Activity Passport - Spring 1 2025

Spelling Practice

There is also some spelling practice for Year 1 and Year 2 below.

Year 1 Spelling Practice

Year 2 Spelling Practice - Spring 1, Week 4

Topic Maps

We have also published our topic maps for the this half term, so you can see what the children will cover in all areas of the Key Stage 1 Curriculum.


Click to access Year-1-Half-Term-Plan-Spring-1-2025.pdf

Click to access Year-2-Half-Term-Plan-Spring-1-2025.pdf

EYFS Tapestry Challenge

For the Tapestry Challenge this week, we would like you to draw a picture of your house. Look carefully at the front of your house. How many windows are there? How many doors? Do you live in a flat, a van or a bungalow? Are there stairs outside your house? Does your house have a number or a name?
Bring your pictures into school or post on Tapestry. We can't wait to see them.
Have a lovely weekend.
The EYFS Team

Forest School Update

It’s been a busy week with s’mores, planting primroses, mindful sewing to escape from the rain and lots and lots of mud!

Thank you so much for the donation of bird seed this week! We are so grateful. If anyone has any left over compost, seeds, or fat balls etc, it would be greatly appreciated!

Keeping Children Safe

  • Thanks to those parents who have supported us in protecting the children’s privacy by waiting on the path by the main entrance until 3pm.
  • Emergency contact details must be up to date. Please email us at parents@writtleinfantschool.com if your details have changed.
  • Any food brought to school must not contain nuts or egg-based foods (e.g. egg mayo, scotch egg, omelette etc.).
  • We all have a duty to safeguard the children in our care. If you have any concerns about a child, please contact the school, the Chairs of Governors (if your concern is about a member of teaching staff), or the Essex Child and Families Hub on 0345 603 7627.

Highlights of the week


We have had a great week in Early Years. In maths we have been learning about numbers up to 5. We made towers using cubes of each amount to 5 and noticed they look like stairs! In phonics we learnt the digraphs:er / ow/ oi and the trigraph 'ear'. We have also been learning about houses with our Poetry Basket poem and in our groovy groups.

Year 2

This week, Year 2 have been learning about symmetry in shapes, testing games in Computing, and working on their comprehension of The Moon Dragons text. So far, the children have loved their new Dragons topic. A big thank you to everyone who came to the parent lunch with Dolphins on Wednesday – the children really enjoyed it!

Year 1

We have now read the whole of our focus text ‘The Good Little Wolf’ and have drawn real wolves and practised shading to create texture!