Parents meeting FS 2021…Read More
Continue reading "Foundation Stage Parents’ Meeting 21.09.21"
Parents meeting FS 2021…Read More
Continue reading "Foundation Stage Parents’ Meeting 21.09.21"Dear all, Please find below two weeks worth of PE activities that your child/children could have a go at over this period of home-schooling….Read More
Continue reading "PE activities to try at home!"school closure letter final…Read More
Continue reading "Message from the EYFS Team"Can you remember some of the baby animal names? Can you write them or draw them or send us a video of your knowledge….Read More
Continue reading "Tapestry Challenge"We have given each child a piece of green paper. Can they draw around and cut out their hand (let them have a go…Read More
Continue reading "Helping others"Can you share your favourite book, you could draw a picture, write about it or send us a video! Can you bring the book…Read More
Continue reading "Your favourite book!"Let us know what you get up to in half term, have fun!…Read More
Continue reading "Half Term Tapestry Challenge"Can you practise throwing and catching a ball, you could throw it up and catch it or throw it to a partner….Read More
Continue reading "Tapestry Challenge – Throwing & Catching"Can you write a note to Elsa or draw her a picture of how we helped her? If you want to you could send…Read More
Continue reading "Write a note to Elsa!"