Dear Year One Parents/Carers, We hope your first week of home learning went well. Thank you for all of your continued support and work…Read More
Continue reading "Year 1 Remote Learning: Spring 1 Week 2"Home Learning
Year 2 Remote Learning: Spring 1 Week 2
Hello! Please find our year 2 plan for next week (11.01.21) and resources linked to some of the lessons. Over the next few weeks…Read More
Continue reading "Year 2 Remote Learning: Spring 1 Week 2"EYFS Home Learning Details
PE activities to try at home!
Dear all, Please find below two weeks worth of PE activities that your child/children could have a go at over this period of home-schooling….Read More
Continue reading "PE activities to try at home!"Year 2 Remote Learning: Spring 1 Week 1
Dear Year 2 Parents, Firstly we would like to wish you all a Happy New Year. We sincerely hope that 2021 will bring health…Read More
Continue reading "Year 2 Remote Learning: Spring 1 Week 1"Year 1 Remote Learning: Spring 1 Week 1
Dear Year One Parents/Carers, We hope you had a wonderful Christmas break, no matter how it was spent. We just want to say a…Read More
Continue reading "Year 1 Remote Learning: Spring 1 Week 1"Create a Christmas Diary Entry
Spellings: Could you please practise the Year One High Frequency Words? These can be found in your child’s yellow phonics folder. Home Learning: Can…Read More
Continue reading "Create a Christmas Diary Entry"What has been your favourite thing this term ?
Home Learning: What has been your favourite thing in school this Autumn term? Can you tell/show us by drawing a picture of writing about…Read More
Continue reading "What has been your favourite thing this term ?"Make a Christmas Decoration
Home Learning: Can you make your own Christmas decoration using only 2D shapes? You can draw different 2D shapes to create what decoration you…Read More
Continue reading "Make a Christmas Decoration"