Core Experiences
The following 10 core experiences are provided each year as a ‘minimum entitlement’.
- To perform in a concert to their parents and/or other relatives;
- To have opportunities for well-being consistently, including days every half term;
- To take part in a class assembly, shared with parents and visitors;
- To have well-planned transition to the next year group/school;
- To go on an educational visit in the local area or further afield;
- To watch a live performance undertaken by visiting professionals e.g. storytellers, musicians, actors or other performers;
- To access at least 2 hours of high quality, organised physical activity each week;
- To have access to extended provision in the form of after school clubs in KS1;
- To have access to Forest Schools and other quality outside learning;
- To have opportunities to work with the local community, for example the local church, parish council, village groups and Junior school.