WISPA Summer Fayre
Held on the Junior School playground and field.
WISPA/WJSPA Coffee Morning
Writtle Junior School, Margaretting Road, Writtle, Chelmsford, CM1 3HG, Writtle, Chelmsford CM1 3HE, UKWISPA/WJSPA AGM
Writtle Infant School, Lodge Rd, Writtle, Chelmsford CM1 3HZ, UKDress Down Day – WISPA Christmas Fair
Christmas themed dress down day for sweets, chocolates, soft toys and coins of denominations 5p and under. Thank you for your support!
Dress Down Day – WISPA Christmas Fair
Christmas themed dress down day in exchange for bottles for our Christmas Fair. Bottles can be alcohol, soft drinks, condiments, sauces or toiletries. Thank
Valentine’s Dress Down Day
Children are invited to wear something red for a suggested donation of £1 to WISPA. Thank you for your support!
WISPA Dress Down Day
Please donate bottles, Pokémon cards, Lego or soft toys
WISPA Secondhand Uniform Sale
Uniform will be collected before school and sold after school
WISPA Secondhand Uniform Sale
Uniform will be collected before school and sold after school
WISPA Cake Sale
Cakes will be collected before school and sold after school
WIS & WJS: Sports Afternoon
WISPA/WJSPA to sell refreshments
PTA Annual General Meeting, at Writtle Infant School
WIS-0-Staff Room (15)PTA Autumn Cake Sale – collection
Collection at morning drop off
PTA Autumn Cake Sale
Sales at afternoon collection
PTA Elfridges Collection
Drop off of donated gifts before school
PTA Draw Something You Love Competition
Collection at morning drop off