School Meals

All infant school children are currently entitled to receive a free school meal. Our school meals are ordered a week in advance using ParentMail. Our caterer, Stir Food, provides 4 choices of main course (except on Wednesdays, when the jacket potato option is not available) plus dessert.

Packed lunches

Your child may, if they prefer, bring a packed lunch to school. This should be a nutritious meal which provides them with the energy they need for afternoon lessons e.g. a filled sandwich / roll, a piece of fruit, a cereal bar etc. (no sweets or fizzy drinks please). Water is always provided for those children who do not bring a drink. As some pupils have severe allergies we ask that no nuts, peanut butter or eggs (e.g. boiled eggs / egg mayonnaise) are included in a child’s lunch.

Lunch time arrangements

If your child goes home at lunch time, or is coming in for the afternoon session, they should return to school by 12.55 pm.

Snacks at break times

The children may bring a portion of fresh fruit /vegetables or dried / flaked fruit every day. We also encourage a second savoury snack such as breadsticks. It is important that snacks are not a substitute for breakfast. Due to the long day it is extremely important that the children try to have a drink and something to eat before coming to school each day. If this has not been possible then please let us know.

Fruit and vegetable scheme

All children receive a free piece of fruit or vegetable each afternoon, as part of a government scheme to encourage healthy eating.

Access to drinking water

We are mindful of the need for young children to have access to drinking water, particularly on warm days and after physical activity. Therefore, the children should bring to school a named plastic bottle of still, plain water to keep in the classroom. This is in addition to the drink the children might bring as part of a packed lunch. The children also have access to 2 drinking water fountains in school – especially important for those children who do not bring a drink.